so we did a sunny day walk at discovery park with small camera and more the intention to walk then document or take visual note. did pass the chapel which we hadn't the first time - and saw the radar tower from behind. watch a dog chase a big black rabbit through the brambles- did not look like a wild rabbit but a big domestic house version, cheers ladies breaking leash laws. so with these canon images is a return to the 3 jpg HDR as opposed to the raw image HDR. i prefer the former to the later and have hence earmarked a good tripod as a necessity. my present tripod was given to me by my mothers mother = Tonawanda nana as she lived in Tonawanda and she was my nana. anyways it was a wonderful gift and has served me for 14 years now i need something heavy duty. that doesn't mean i am dissing the present tripod it will always hold a place in the menagerie of photographic supplies.